HALL: Cranium, Unearth, Deathly
The artwork described is apart of the exhibition called 'Force Field" and the individual piece is named ‘Understory’ by Fiona Hall created between the years of 1999-2004. This interesting sculpture is made out of Glass beads, silver wire, rubber and boar's teeth. This sculpture is fascinating as Field interestingly has used ordinary man made objects to create such an organic figure, the skull. Looking further into the meaning of the artwork both the materials and the sculpture itself symbolise and are a metaphor for aspects of consuming whether being the consumer or typical consumer products. The materials that the sculpture is created from are typical consumer products easily made and easily accessed. The significance of this configuration of the sculpture with these materials is to highlight how today society has moved into a consumer world. This effectively portrays the death of anything organic as soon everything even body parts will be man made and this could eventually lead to the extinction of the human race.
Cheers, helped heaps with my art assignmnet.