As one can see the main colour spectrum's are metal, black and white. This is a very important and a symbolic issue as it demonstrates the power, equity and equality of all races . These two stars Obama and Madonna are both the at the top of their individual leagues race playing no factor. They both seem to have an extraordinary aptitude of dominance and power in all aspects of life. These buildings demonstrate and are reflective of their individual powers and dominance over the world.

The image above is the structure for Barack Obama. The concept of this structure is that it symbolises the passing of time. One has to travel across a rugged path which symbolises Africa and the struggles both Africans and African Americans face everyday through poverty and racial judgement. The journey up to the top of this beam is symbolic of Obama's struggle for power and achieving his greatness. As one reaches the top there is a building symbolic of the Empire state building a national icon of the USA. Obama from the top in his office can look down at his achievements and to the future.

The image above is of Madonna's building. This structure symbolises how Madonna is always reaching out and evolving over time. The metal bars that flood the sky are symbolic of Madonna's power and determination for pure greatness. The beams seem to be reaching out and endless. Madonna similarly is always adapting and growing in order to keep her power and remain on top.
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